So, since last Monday, I have (finally) gotten these things accomplished: registered the car, took the 4-hour pre-licensing class, and prepared for a long but decent job interview.
In the hours leading up the job interview yesterday, there was chaos. The Otter, who had valiently agreed to drive me to the interview, and I got to a late start, and I still needed stockings, interview shoes, and a shirt. We got to a shopping center with little time to spare, and literally we located all of these items in 30 minutes; the damage was less than 46 dollars. Macy's unannounced sales are nuts. While Otter stopped at a library to print something out, I changed in the car. If you are 5' 9" and leggy, putting on stockings in the car is a sport.
When Otter returned to the car, we had 30 minutes to get the interview location. The town in question has a lot of curvy, interlocking roads, and very few directional signs.
Here's the thing: the address was kind of misleading. We literally (with amazing friends on the phone giving driving directions), got to the place with 3 minutes to spare.
2 Hours later, I think the job interview went well, but the position I was applying for was literally filled that morning. Normally I would be very upset about this, but the company needed someone who spoke Arabic. You know what? If you are so awesome that you can speak Arabic, you take that job! I'm also really glad that the person did not have the exact same qualifications as me.
The good news: The last supervisor who interviewed me told me that there should be some positions opening up soon, and that they will contact me in 2-4 weeks. This is good!
And now... to catch up on a metric ton of internship work I've been neglecting... :P
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