Hello, Loyal Reader,
At last, at last, I am no longer hindered by the collegiate life. Currently, as I stare at my huge pile of stuff (which I actually have culled and am still culling), I wonder about the hazards of loving clothing too much. I will now list the signs that you may be addicted to clothing.
You might be a clothing fiend if...
# 10. You have difficulty ignoring that twitch in your hand when you pass a consignment store or Goodwill and you just got paid.
#9. You begin to feel panicked if you do not have the appropriate outfit for any and every occasion. Literally, I have clothing which ranges from farm work togs to meet-the-President formal. "Really, there may be a valid reason for having two floor-length black satin skirts with trains, honestly! (there was, once)."
# 8. You compulsively re-design clothing on sight, everywhere you go.
#7. Even after you have gotten rid of two entire leaf bags of clothing, you still have to fight yourself to stop planning the next second-hand shop visit.
#6. Your significant other begins to show signs of clothing addiction as well, and starts hunting for new articles of clothing for you.
#5. Everyone you know has come to look through your closet for a special occasion at one time or another.
# 4. You have a special secret fund for clothing.
#3. You go to fabric websites and intricately plot out an elaborate sewing project, even if you can barely sew.
#2. You have considered cutting back on some types of food in order to afford a particular jacket, and then have to jolt yourself back to reality.
#1. There is more space in your room put aside for clothing than for your bed.
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