Monday, September 29, 2008

Those Who Don't Learn History...

All right, so I know that everyone is all hot about bringing back the 1980's styles. Here is what I have to say about that: approach such a trend with caution. Use common sense, stop and breathe slowly before you decide to buy a pair of leg warmers, or decide to wear footless leggings without boots to cover up your awkwardly exposed calves.

Honestly, a few of my friends are truly concerned about such a disturbing trend. Sure, there were a few odd things that were fascinating in the 1980's (not that I can think of one), but the styles were over all, pretty dang hideous.

The giant hair, the shoulder pads, the high-waisted peg-leg jeans...Really? Do we, as a species actually want to repeat such a heinously terrible mistake such as the 1980's? The ankle socks with the flat-heeled shoes are just right out-don't do it. Think of how awful your parents looked in their old photos from the 80's. Do you really want to wear what some of your parents wore when they were impressionable youths?

There are certain stores in the mall which are growing fat off of the profits, most disgustingly one that offers any color of unflattering leggings *cough, cough* (you know which one).

Thankfully, this is not the only retro fad that is currently happening. There is a large movement towards the beautiful clothing styles of the 1940's and 1950's, ala Grace Kelly. Thank goodness for that.

1 comment:

Hilary said...

I agree! And don't forget the horrible fashion of pairing leggings with Ugg boots.