Sooo, things are going along as usual. Am very excited for the Otter, as he had a second job interview today, and I think he's going to get it.
As for my job: there are many warning signs. I honestly have been having terrible luck selling key items (hurried customers and the like), and it's not reflecting well on yours truly. The (cool) Bossman has told me that higher ups are urging him to let one of us minions go, and when you have loans to pay off, that's scary shit.
The Bossman, being the kind and sympathetic person that he is, has started making jokes pointed at me to make me nervous.
I made the 1 millionth mental note today to start producing artwork to sell.
Recently, while making the usual return trip to the land of Upstate New York from the territory of New Jersey, I almost got very screwed. My usual trip involves me taking 2 trains one way, which means that in order to transfer at Secaucus Junction I must have my ticket with me. Well, on the first leg of the trip, the conductor, instead of checking the ticket and returning it,
took the ticket. I even reached up to retrieve it, and he danced it away from my hands. Well, I figured that perhaps he had good reason, and waited for him to return it. Waited, waited. Finally got up and tracked the conductor down, who was very sheepish about it all as he punched out a receipt for me, which made me realize that this conductor was used to some severe verbal abuse from passengers (which I had not doled out in the slightest).
Got to Secaucus, and (as usual) I had missed my connection because of the lazy lazy train engineer from the NJCL. I went to register a complaint, as this is the 4th time this has happened. The ladies in the Customer Service counter were very understanding and took my name down. Then I told them that I had complained 3 times previously. They both looked startled, and informed me that
none of my previous complaints had been registered in the computer. I told them that it was always the same guy who took my name previously. They both got knowing looks on their faces and told me that only 1 guy worked the desk. I chuckled to myself. They chuckled. Gotchya now, lazy bones.
Despite the inherent frustrations of frequenting public transportation, the idea of driving my precious car into New Jersey is still far more unsettling. I am certainly not that advanced of a driver yet.