All right, all right, the man is attractive and a really talented actor. The end.
Now the boy thinks he can sing.
No. No, he cannot. I recommend (read: do not) that you go and listen to songs in which Robert Pattinson sings. Talk about a new form of torture. Sure, apparently he can play instruments well, but the young knave cannot sing. An idea of the pure energy form of pain (his singing): imagine that someone who is tone deaf, and drunk decides he is going to tune his completely untrained vocal chords on a hapless audience.
Then imagine this noodle-brain is going to attempt difficult singing techniques: at some points he literally sounds like he is about to throw up. Imagine, it still sounds this bad after the recording studio probably did their best to clean up the sounds.
Remember loyal readers: friends don't let friends listen to Robert Pattinson's music. I genuinely hope his recordings will not be used to torture prisoners in far-away lands.